wan玩得好手游 » 单机游戏 » STEAM Future Technology

STEAM Future Technology

来源:互联网 编辑:wan玩得好手游小编 更新:2024-03-27 01:09:23 人气:

Activity introduction:

Our ASA classes will introduce all kinds of edging technologies which have deep influnences to the world, includs 3D printing, drones, electronics and programming. Knowledge from different subjects are integrated.For example,students will use measurement to solve a programming problem, they need to combine electronics and engineering to come up a solution!




Teacher's qualification:

Lilly:Chinese, Senior teacher at TechTrek, 8 years of teaching experience at International Kindergardern, TeckTrek and International schools. She is capable of teaching technologies with both English and Chinese.

Colin:Chinese,Engineering degree,2 years of teaching experience. He is capable of teaching technologies with both English and Chinese.





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标签: STEAM Future Technology
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