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BIS Steam Lesson | Make a Monster!

来源:互联网 编辑:wan玩得好手游小编 更新:2024-03-31 00:53:30 人气:


Even before we step into the STEAM classroom, we are well prepared for what we need to do. A preparation class always occurs in the morning where we go over material that is related to the task for that day. Sometimes it's a story, other times it's some new vocabulary or concept to help get our minds prepared for the practical application of the idea.

We learned the vocabulary for several Halloween monsters and did a class worksheet and drawn plan based on the words we learned.

Then the time comes for us to go to the STEAM room and physically produce what we learned about.

The children were divided into 6 groups and each group had a different Halloween monster they had to create. Each table had a picture of their monster and were given supplies to achieve the task.

They are allowed to choose almost any medium they desire to express their creativity.

The teachers strive to not help the children unless very necessary.

The work usually starts off slowly, as the children are trying to figure out how to approach their tasks, but after a while, they start working at full speed.

Some children take longer than others and some children are more creative than others, but with STEAM, every child makes a masterpiece.

Working on tasks like these help the children develop hand eye coordination, creativity, thinking ability and problem solving skills to name a few.

STEAM class is always a highly anticipated activity during the week and the children always enjoy working with their hands.

At the end of every class, we hope that the children can be proud of their creations, as well as having a physical production that they can show to their mommys and daddys.

STEAM class helps to mould the future Scientists, Technicians, Engineers, Artists and Mathmaticians of the world, and it all starts right here.


在开始 STEAM课程之前,我们需要做好充分准备。准备工作总是在早上开始,我们翻阅与当天任务相关的材料或者复习资料。有时是一个故事,有时是一些新的词汇或概念,这些能够帮忙我们的头脑为实际应用做好准备。


然后,到了我们进入 STEAM教室动手操作我们所学到的知识的时候了。










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