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STEAM:自在呼吸 1

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自在呼吸 1

Breathe Freely 1



Feel Breathing

把你的手放在胸口深呼吸一次,有无感受到本身的呼吸?呼吸虽然在我们每分钟的生活中必不可少,但是大局部时候我们并没有看重它们,直到这一次我们才感受到自在呼吸的宝贵。Place your hand on your chest. Breathe in and breathe out. Could feel your breath? Breathing is so essential and precious, but you could not feel its importance until this time.


Respiratory system

呼吸系统是辅佐我们身体吸进氧气,呼出二氧化碳的一组器官。假如身体里没有氧气,那末我们体内的细胞就无法从食物中到手能量,就无法保存。The respiratory system is a group of organs that take in oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. Without oxygen, body cells would not get energy from food and could not survive.


Tunnels to breathe

空气通过你的鼻腔和口腔进进到你的呼吸系统颠末咽部(pharynx 局部是食道和气管的分叉,因此边吃东西边措辞会使得食物走错通道,又被卡住的危险。Larynx是我们的发声部位,当你措辞的时候把手指放在何处就会感到震动),通过气管,然后顺着支气管进进肺部。Air comes into your respiratory system through your nose and mouth. It goes through your pharynx(there are the division of two tubes), larynx( the place to make voice), to your trachea, and then goes to you bronchi to your lungs.


Our lungs

肺是你呼吸的主要器官. 它们长成这样的,肺是一对的,大小不一样,左肺比右肺要小一些。(心脏位置)Lungs are the main organs for you to breathe. They are a pair, but they are not the same size. The left one is smaller than the right one ( for the heart site).


Function of lungs

当你吸气的时候,空气会进进你的肺部,辅佐你的身体吸进氧气。当你呼气的时候,空气会从你的肺部带出二氧化碳。肺的任务十分主要。When you breathe in, air goes into your lungs to give you oxygen. When you breathe out, air goes out of your lungs with carbon dioxide. Your lungs have a big job to do.


Alveoli in Lungs

我们的肺的内部有许多微小的小气囊,它们叫做肺泡。肺泡外部围绕着许多毛细血管,气体在毛细血管和肺泡内举行交流。In our lungs, there are a lot of tiny sacs called alveoli. Alveoli are surrounded by blood vessels, which will finish gas exchange in capillaries.


Pollution and your lungs

吸进有害气体或许受到病毒损害城市对你的肺部造成不可逆的损害。例如吸烟或许空气污染会损害你的肺部。Taking in toxic gas or infected by virus will cause harmful affect to your lungs. Smoking and air pollution will damage your lungs.

安康的肺与纤维化的肺对比,受损的肺已不克不及够为人体带来足够的氧气,会造成更多器官的受损。Comparing with healthy and unhealthy lungs, we can see damaged lunges could not bring enough oxygen to the body and it will lead to further damage to other organ systems.

受损肺的CT图片,白色局部就暗示它们已不克不及够举行畸形任务。The CT image of damaged lungs: White color means this part could not work normally.


Take care of your lungs. Enjoy a healthy life.


Next lesson, we are going to learn how to make the model of lungs. What kind of mechanism of breathing machine and ECMO and how will they help patients to survive?





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